Program Mega NC

MegaNC - The powerful CAD / CAM solution
MegaNC 2006 is the consequent solution for everyone who wants to use
his CAD data directly for the production. Powerful CAM functionality -
integrated into the common 2D- /3D construction environment -
guarantees a plus of operating comfort and performance.
The basis of MegaNC is the well-known, professional CAD system
MegaCAD. The modern CAD system makes available comprehensive
options for construction in 2D and 3D with easy operation. All functions
for the draft, construction or 3D modeling are made available to the user
in a practical way.
Powerful construction methods Diversity of functions - the correct tool at any time
Of course, you can use the icon libraries with MegaNC or add your own constructions or details as components to the libraries.
Groups in symbol manager
After the construction of the component or after importing data (2D: .prt, dxf, .dwg; 3D: prt, .sat, .stl) the stock definition will be performed with the CAD tools.
The CAD geometries are directly assigned to the milling strategies. This is contours, pockets and holes as well as specific cycles in 2,5 D.
In 3D you can rough and finish axially parallel and oriented to angles.
Furthermore, there are strategies to machine surfaces and for Z-level finishing. In order to prevent the tools from damages, you can provide the milling toolpathes with plunge ramps and approach cycles.
Assign from milling technology to contours
Please consider the toolpath correction and the stock allowance for roughing for any operation.
The user can create a library for his tools and call them off for the corresponding milling task.
Definition of tools in the library
All defined operations will be shown in the Technology Manager. You also have the option to change parameters later on or to resort the order of the operations.
TehnologieManager for the overview and change
Overview of the features of MegaNC
- Professional 2D-/3D constructions
- Interface for data import and export
- Complete CAD/CAM integration
- Changes of the geometry directly result in a new operation
- Powerful milling strategies
- Direct DNC operation with manual control NCdrive
- Simulation and optimization
MegaNC - milling toolpaths in 2,5 D MegaNC - 3D construction 3D finishing The universal 4 axis step motor control
NC Drive
The universal 4 axis step motor control
The NCdrive is a PC based CNC control for step motors to output cycle and direction signals for up to 4 axis with unlimited preview of the toolpath.
NCdrive represents a user interface for direct control of the machine (DNC). When using the complete solution for CAD/CAM, MegaNC-NCdrive the created NC code will be made available together with all parameters and setting for the operation on the machine.
NCdrive consequently uses the high performance of most modern hardware and of the Windows operating system. This way, a performance had been realized which can compete with the high end CNC controls of the upscale machine tools.
Just like those machines, the NCdrive NC codes (DIN 66025, others via optional preprocessors), supports manifold further NC commands and cycles and allows the operation of the machine in the setup and automatic operation (fig. 1). In addition, the comprehensive functions for direct milling of contours and pockets is available as an innovative particularity - by simple entry of parameters, it is not required to create NC codes for those functions (fig. 2).
Fig 1: NCdrive Automatik Fig 2: NCdrive Zyklen
Overview of NCdrive features
- Milling & Turning
- Windows user interface
- 4 axis simultaneously
- Unlimited toolpath preview
- Tool radius correction
- Tool change
- Length measuring of tools
- Helix interpolation
- 3D simulation
- Operation cycles
The NCdrive uses the PC processor for the user interface and for all computation-intensive operations. The highly dynamic control of the NC drive motors in real time is assumed by a special controller which is being delivered together with the software.
The connection is performed via a serial interface or a USB adaptor.
This way also a milling machine with step motor can achieve the dynamic and smoothness of a machine with servo drive.
Due to the modular structure of the NCdrive software there are different options for the operation of the existing machines available. It ranges from comprehensive manual operation with integrated operation macros and DIN code import and interpretation up to the complete 2D/3D-CAD/CAM Suite.
Due to the integration of potentially separated relay inputs and outputs, it is also possible to switch additional equipment.
The manual control for the direct DNC operation of the machine is also part of the CAD/CAM tool MegaNC which is being extended by another powerful interface for direct machine control.
NCdrive extern Box
Configuration and settings
The NCdrive allows comprehensive configurations of the machine functions. It concerns the definition of the presetting of parameters of the machine and of optional add-on devices (vacuum cleaner, tool changer, length measuring of tools, …).
Of course, the CNC machine is factory-made operatively preconfigured. This way, the user has the option to adapt and optimize or to add it to the "machining center".
Konfiguration NCdrive
Before the first chip is flying off, the milling operation can be controlled in the graphic simulation NClyzer light. In this way, the user will get the safety he needs to work in a relaxed way.
Here you can download the printing version of MegaNC (pdf-file)
CNC Basissoftware “NC drive”
Incl. software NClyzer
power supply unit
connection cable RS 232
adapter plug
NCdrive as external box